Hand Made Theatre

Teatro hecho a mano


The viewer attends the film set of a remake of a film noir. There he becomes a witness to and participant in the thousand and one inconveniences that a very new team of artists must overcome to carry out their film project. The director’s special working method makes intrigue, problems, and fears move from the screen to reality. Reality that, as always, will end up surpassing fiction, making theatricality an unrecognizable and mysterious frontier for viewers.

Artistic Team /
Direction and Concept: Mariana Yáñez Rojo
Dramaturgy: Catalina Esquivel
Cast: Olga Cercós, Catalina Esquivel, Josep Antoni Lej
Integral Design (costumes, lighting and scenography): Consuelo Barrera Jofré
Camera: Domingo Mohedano
Projections: David Salinas
Projection Technician: Luis Fe Rivera
Sound Design: Sergio Pavón
Graphic Design: MauStudio i Laia Rodríguez San Juan
Premiere: 13/12/2013 Àtic 22 del Teatre Tantarantana, (Barcelona, Spain)